Responses to ALN Consultation                          13/2/17


Secondary SENCOs and SRC teachers


10 Aims

·         1: agree - One SENCO personally liked the change to ALN – would the stigma return in a few years?

·         What is the cost & impact implications for the change in terms? Cost factor – changing all school documentation also. 

·         2: finance for 16/19-25? There isn’t enough information regarding how provision to 25 is to be provided - hopefully things will be clearer with the Code of Practice?

·         Great in theory – how do we ensure that this will continue post 16? 

·         Who takes responsibility? Who would track the person – Health / Education / Social Services?

·         Does the ALN bill still apply if young people are not in an educational setting?

·         Communication between health staff and education staff between the ages of 0-3?

·         3: agree but what ‘reasonable’ provision is expected prior to placing pupils on what is currently the SA/SAP threshold? Identifying needs for a reading intervention and the workload implications of this.

·         4: agree- this is seen as very good Practice

·         5: agree

·         6: remains to be seen. Concerns about various IDP criteria, this would be supported clearly within the Learning Services

·         7: The DECLO role would be an improvement compared with the current situation.

·         8:

·         9: huge implications – parental expectations.

·         10: code of practice in February.


0- 25

·         What ‘reasonable’ provision is expected prior to placing pupils on what is currently the SA/SAP threshold?

·         Would pupils who require intervention due to weak basic literacy/numeracy  skills be identified as having ALN or not?

·         Careers Wales have specialist knowledge – are they included in the Bill?

·         LAs will need to employ somebody with this knowledge in order to be successful here.


Multi Agency Working

·         Role of the DECLO – great responsibility. DECLO training implications this will be an improvement compared to the current situation.

·         Multiagency sharing of information is only with parental consent.

·         Confidentiality could be an issue here as it is currently.

·         IDPs and health finance will lead to less resources and intervention. We need criteria across Wales to ensure equity.

·         A clearer picture of role and responsibility. Should be clearer for schools who this person is.



·         this is positive for the learner – where there will be one meeting (PEP/Child Development / Education)

·         IDP’s – we do not have a clear cut off point in terms of transfer of responsibility  - very unclear.

·         Criteria will be essential – Welsh Government need to provide this to safeguard schools / LAs

·         Recognition of ALN - standardised scores of 84 and below

·         Also need to include: PASS assessment information; area of need and definition of need.

·         IDP’s to be reviewed. What would be reasonable? If there are any changes with pupils / young person, then it would be reasonable.

·         Reviewing IDPs during annual reviews not at parental request. ALNCOs workload!

·         Need to get rid of ‘on request’ and replace with ‘if needs change’.


Dispute Resolution and Avoidance

·         A paper trail of evidence of including the pupil will be important.


Workforce Development

·         Will the ALNCO be expected to have teaching responsibilities?

·         If not, is this feasible in all school settings?